ICI Journal Master List is an international indexing database of scientific journals within which submitted periodicals have been evaluated for over a decade. The condition for indexation is positive multidimensional evaluation which is based on almost 40 criteria. The process of evaluation is free of charge and it is available for every magazine that is registered in the ICI World of Journals database. Periodicals that fulfil both formal criteria and initial indexation conditions gets one-year valid ICV (Index Copernicus Value) index which reflects the level of journal development and its impact on the world of science. It should be emphasised that the ICI Journals Master List database is one of the few that carries out detailed assessment every year. It is the only Polish global brand in science. Due to annual evaluation Editorial offices that care about indexation continuity are able to control multiannual path and dynamic of journal development.
Evaluation results – Index Copernicus Value ICV
Index Copernicus Value is an evaluation standard for scientific journals. Its unique character is guaranteed by the fact that it enables annual organising the list of scientific journals from all around the world within ICI Journals Master List. It also gives – in the extended version – specific guidelines in relation to functional areas of a scientific journal that have to be improved in order to increase citation rate.
The ICV index has been recognised by e.g. public administration authorities, scientific units and other subject associated with science. The index is used in the activity of:
• scientific journals publishers – to familiarise one with evaluation of a scientific journal, its weaknesses and strengths, to make a move that may increase a journal impact,
• researchers – who want to obtain information in which journals should they publish scientific papers, and which are worthy to be read in order to gain reliable information needed for research,
• scientific units – that are interested in gaining information on weaknesses and strengthens of journals that are published in a given scientific unit. This matters in the periodic assessment of researchers.
The evaluation result in ICI Journals Master List database - Index Copernicus Value (ICV) index is, therefore, a measure of scientific journal impact. It indicates how fast a goal can be achieved, that is the improvement of citation rate of papers. The higher the value of ICV is, the higher probability that a journal in the future will:
• increase the citation rate of published papers,
• receive higher evaluations within journals assessments that are carried out,
• get more interesting manuscripts with great potential to be noticed by the scientific community,
• attract recognised authors and reviewers.