ICI Science Evaluation is a solution that enables to estimate the category of scientific Higher Education based on the basis of information on the achievements of scientific research unit, in accordance with applicable state law. ICI Science Evaluation enables the collection, processing, and reporting back the data. Based on the information gathered, which are up to date verified and validated, it is possible to make the future evaluation of Higher Education unit together with a comprehensive analysis at the end of each semester. The system also envisages the exchange of data with external systems and analysis of the contribution of individual employees for future evaluation. The system can collect all types of events evaluation, which are involved in the evaluation a research unit run by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
The implementation the ICI Science Evaluation enables:
• Assembly in one place the complete information about all the achievements of the scientific unit and its individual employees assembled in one place. This information can then be - in an automated manner - used to fill out the survey research unit, reports POL-on, and grant applications. The system enables automatic reporting for Higher Education,; the system PBN Reporting module is in accordance with the applicable requirements and deadlines.
• The verification of the correctness and completeness of information on scientific achievements, minimizing the likelihood of omission or rejection of the important achievements in the process of evaluation of research units run by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education or grant procedures.
• Estimation of scores for individual scientific achievements in the evaluation of Higher Education in relation to the always current and consistent with the current law lists (ie. Bulleted list of journals) and algorithms.
• Estimation of scientific categories, which can count on a research unit in the future evaluation of Higher Education on the basis of the developed scientific achievements. The estimation is based on algorithms developed by experts Index Copernicus.
• Monitoring of the contribution of individual employees in the evaluation unit in evaluating Higher Education. Working with the system allows for the selection of these areas in the scientific activities that do not bring the expected results, and have the potential to improve. Defined reports are availed with the ability to print them.
• The preparation of reports and applications in competition proceedings. The ICI Science Evaluation allows you to generate predefined reports and statements containing scientific achievements and prepare data for export to systems POL-one, PBN, and others.
• Access to the always up-to-date lists, lists and algorithms. Any changes to the rules parameterization of science, including the list of journals of bulleted Higher Education, scoring algorithms of individual achievements, estimation algorithms are immediately implemented in the system ICI Science Evaluation.
• Obtaining the full support of experts in Index Copernicus. Every day, the disposal of theThe Index Copernicus are experts with over five years’ experience in evaluating science (bibliometrics, parameterization, evaluation journals etc.). Problems are constantly being solved.
The ICI Science Evaluation is available in the formula Software as a Service (SaaS). Its full implementation takes from 2 to 6 weeks (the exact time depends on the size of the scientific unit), and the main burden rests with the ICI.